Arabs and Phallic Difficulty
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
Arabs and Phallic Difficulty
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Arabs and Phallic Problems
Arabs and Phallic Difficulty
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
Arabs and Phallic Difficulty
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
Arabs and Phallic Difficulty
By Mr. George
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Another important factor scholars must address when considering the Terrorists Phenomena (in addition to the depressive disorders and brain damage they may simply be born with and are exacerbated by drug use which we have discussed in prior lectures) is the obvious difficulties present in the Arab Libido. (The psychological sense of sexual security) Apparent feelings of sexual inadequacy are evidenced in the Middle East via the culturally sanctioned presence of polygamy as well as societies that sanction rape, sodomy and animism. (Sex with sheep, goats and cows – as evidenced in the writings of Iran’s Khomeini)
Thus we are forced to consider:
The sight of "Terrorists" always accompanied by their
machine guns
rocket launchers and
other deadly weapons (always with LONG HARD BARRELS of course)
is but a 21st century reincarnation of the Bedouin Warrior with his shining scimitar on his charging steed. Thus we may deduce that these specimens find it vital to be HOLDING their weapons (and if one observes them carefully it can be observed that they are often observed STROKING the barrel of the weapon – an obviously thinly veiled manifestation of compulsive masturbation). – thus it can be readily observed that the "Terrorist" and "Guerilla" types are utilizing their weapons as a SYMBOL OF SEXUAL POWER they have never experienced and as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR PERCIEVED FEELING OF PHALLIC INFERIORITY.
To extrapolate further it is rather clear that these miscreants are utilizing their guns as a PHALLIC SYMBOL – that is as a SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL OR IMAGINED ABNORMALLY SMALL PENIS. Correspondingly: the
Subjugation and Abuse of Women
Culture of Hedonism
Practice of Polygamy
Societal acceptance of Homosexuality
Religiously Sanctioned Bestiality
The Large number of SEXUAL DEVIANTS in the Arab Alley
(Visit or for some interesting examples of these aberrant arabs)
All point to an innate desire amongst the Arab Male to Use these oppressive measures to compensate for his fragile Id (the male concept of sexual well being - see the Psychoanalytical Theories of Freud for more on this). It seems that far too many Arab males are attempting to somehow compensate for their shame and feelings of inadequacy over what they perceive as a sub-normal, tiny or inadequate penis.
Shame is a MAJOR ISSUE amongst the Arab species and is most often manifested in:
Shame over being militarily humiliated by TINY ISRAEL (they even have a ‘holiday’ that is celebrated as "The Great Humiliation")
Shame over their DISMAL STATE of Education, Literacy, Business and Progress
Shame over their INABILITY to make any progress at all for the last 800 years
Shame over their BACKWARD and PRIMITIVE conditions in comparison to the REST OF THE WORLD
Shame over their TOTAL HUMILIATION by the USA now in Iraq in 2003
Now I understand that obtaining data on the comparative penis sizes of Terrorist Bombers would present some rather formidable forensic challenges but perhaps our Arab friends may care to COME CLEAN about this issue: (and many of the males are experts on this subject as well)
Sadly the reality is that A LARGE NUMBER OF ARAB MALES ARE SO POORLY ENDOWED OR JUST FEEL THEY ARE NOT "BLESSED" WITH ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT that their SHAME Over this obvious shortcoming (no pun intended of course) leads to awful feelings of inadequacy and ultimately severe frustration (which leads to "Suicide Bombers" – this is the ONLY WAY they can achieve an orgasm)
This is Why I have suggested that VIAGRA should be supplied to males in the Arab Alley for years – for it may NOT provide any measurable benefits but perhaps the EGO BOOST ALONE would be sufficient to help overcome this awful PHALLIC INFERIORITY PROBLEM amongst the Arab Male.
Praise the Lord and God Bless America, Professor George
"Rightousness exalteth a nation, but Sin is a reproach to any People" (Proverbs 16:34)
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